The name of the cheat
Escape from Tarkov
Neverwin — private anti-crisis cheat developed for Escape from Tarkov. The ideal ratio of quality and cost.
BoxSkeletonChamsNameWeaponKDHeadshot PercentRole (SherpaEmissary etc…)Side (BEARUSEC)LevelHealth (TextBar)Inventory ItemsInventory WorthDistanceCheater Warning (Alerts you if suspicious players in lobby)Aim Warning (Alerts you if a player is aiming at you)Ammo Count (Displays current magazine state)Visibility Check (Display players in different color depending on whether visible or occluded)
Silent AimEngine PredictionAuto ShootAim FOVCrosshairSilent MeleeFast BulletManipulation (Shoot around corners)Custom Aim Bone (Any bone in player)Visibility Check (Target only visible targets)Silent AimEngine PredictionAuto ShootAim FOVCrosshairSilent MeleeFast BulletManipulation (Shoot around corners)Custom Aim Bone (Any bone in player)Visibility Check (Target only visible targets)
No RecoilNo AnimationsNo SpreadNo SwayNo MalfunctionsInstant ADSGun Laser (Draws a cool line from fireport)Bullet TracersQuick Load / UnloadFlyhack (Perfect movement without inertiamoves at maximum player speed that is possible without desync)Phase (Riskyable to go through certain walls / floors / terrain)No VisorNo Camera Shake EffectsQuick Examine Items / ContainersDouble SearchInstant SearchForce Pickup Quest Items (Pickup quest items you couldn’t see beforevery OP for tasking!)Ping Bypass (Play on servers without worrying about getting kicked by ping checks)
World ItemsContainer ItemsQuest ItemsQuest LocationsGrenadesExtracts (Filtering open / manual activation only)Custom Item Filter (Select item of choice and it will only be displayed or highlighted in different color)Price Filtering (Filter items by price)Ability to change all above mentioned ESP option colors with RGB picker
Save ConfigHWID Tab has option to disable / enable spoof (ENABLED BY DEFAULT)
European rage-soft for EFT, this cheat has been present and has been productively on the market for 6 months
- SilentAimbot | InstaHit | FastBullets | Manipulation | Visible Check | Engine Prediction;
- Fully ESP with: Box Kd Weapon Role Side Level Health Items Cheater Warning AimWarning;
- World Items Containers, Quest Items, Quest Locations, Grenades Custom, ItemFilter, PriceFilter Colors;
Unique MISC features
- God mode | Gun Laser | Bullet Tracers | Quick Load/Unload | Fly/Phase | FastLoot | Ping Bypass
Windows 10 (2004-21H2)
1 day7 days30 days
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