The name of the cheat
Cleaner: haven't, use Apple Cleaner
HWID Spoofer: Build-In, Testing
Supported game version: Epic Games
Supported Game Mode: Windowed / Borderless
Supported Processors: Intel / AMD
Supported OS: Windows 10-11 x64
Video or Screenshot Invisibility Support: None
Aimbot - is a function that makes it easier to hit the enemy in one way or another.
EnableAlwaysPredictionTarget KnockedTarget BotsTarget TeamVisible CheckDraw FOV BorderDraw FOV BackgroundMode (Legit/Rage)Bone (Head/Neck/Body/Pelvis)First KeybindSecond KeybindSmoothFOV RadiusDistance
ESP - is a function that is responsible for highlighting the enemy, loot and other elements in the game.
Box 2D (Box/Corner)Box Filled (Static/Gradient)Line (Middle Top/Middle Down/Center)SkeletonSkeleton ThicknessHead CircleShow Weapon NameShow AmmoIs ReloadingDistanceNicknamePlatformView LineIs In VehicleShow BotShow TeamShow KnockedVisible CheckRendering Distance
ESP - is a function that is responsible for highlighting the enemy, loot and other elements in the game.
EnableShow CountShow DistanceBattle ModeBattle Mode KeybindRendering DistanceRarity: Common/Uncommon/Rare/Epic/Legendary/MysticWorld Objects: Chest/Ammunition Box/Machine Redux/Vehicle/Zipline
Misc - is a category that contains other auxiliary functions that are not related to the main sections.
No RecoilFPS LimitMenu Language (English/Chinese)Menu KeybindUnload KeybindCrosshair: Style/Size/Thickness
- Enable
- Always
- Prediction
- Target Knocked
- Target Bots
- Target Team
- Visible Check
- Draw FOV Border
- Draw FOV Background
- Mode (Legit, Rage)
- Bone (Head, Neck, Body, Pelvis)
- First Keybind
- Second Keybind
- Smooth
- FOV Radius
- Distance
[ ESP Players ]
- Box 2D (Box, Corner)
- Box Filled (Static, Gradient)
- Line (Middle Top, Middle Down, Center)
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Thickness
- Head Circle
- Show Weapon Name
- Show Ammo
- Is Reloading
- Distance
- Nickname
- Platform
- View Line
- Is In Vehicle
- Show Bot
- Show Team
- Show Knocked
- Visible Check
- Rendering Distance
[ Items ESP ]
- Enable
- Show Count
- Show Distance
- Battle Mode
- Battle Mode Keybind
- Rendering Distance
- Rarity:
- Common
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Epic
- Legendary
- Mystic - World Objects:
- Chest
- Ammunition Box
- Machine Redux
- Vehicle
- Zipline
[ MISC ]
- No Recoil
- FPS Limit
- Menu Language (English, Chinese)
- Menu Keybind
- Unload Keybind
- Crosshair:
- Style
- Size
- Thickness
Windows 10
Windows 11
1 day3 days7 days30 days
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